The Proof of Volunteer Protocol (POVP) enables NGOs and social enterprises to issue SBTs to individual volunteers. which records their altruistic behaviour on the blockchain and stores related images and videos on Arweave for permanent storage. This helps increase impact and improve sustainability, as well as contribute to on-chain social reputation.


Limited impact scope and lack of sustainability are two main challenges for volunteer activities. Some of the reasons are as below:

  1. Usually the income of the NGO is from charity donation, which might not be stable;
  2. The salary or allowance for the employees of the NGO is usually not high, and the volunteer individuals lack long-term incentives and have to quit due to some life change, e.g. no time after graduating from university or having family.
  3. Small organisations are hard to attract much attention or resource, e.g. not easy to raise awareness outside the local community, hard to convince people to donate due to lack of transparency

Besides, volunteer individuals also hope their love-heart behaviours to be acknowledged by more people or qualified for some personal usage, e.g. evidence to show society contribution when applying permanent resident or university entrance.

